Happy Halloween!

Posted by Emily Steiger on 10/31/2008 01:43:00 PM
Today is Jack's first Halloween! It is exciting to dress him up in his little costume, even though we aren't going trick-or-treating. We wish everyone a very safe and happy Halloween!


Thoughts from Jack's Mommy...

Posted by Emily Steiger on 10/29/2008 11:15:00 AM
Well, this is my first blog..EVER! I thought it would be fun to write, since Scott always does it and I have never done it before.
I must say Jack has definitely made this a better world. He is the cutest, sweetest, best little baby in the world...and I'm not just saying that! Don't get me wrong, we have had nights where I thought, "what the hell did we do?", but it is all worth it to see him smile and to hold him in your arms.

Scott and I like to talk to Jack a lot about the world and about life. We know he doesn't understand yet but we want to make sure he knows how much he is loved and that he can do anything he wants. Scott read to him last night about what he can be when he grows up. Scott talks to him about growing up and being president, or a musician, or an actor, or a doctor. Last night we talked to him about our jobs. "Daddy is an IT guy.. he works with computers and loves his job. Mommy is a teacher and loves to help children learn and grow." We want Jack to know from the beginning that he is special and can do anything he sets his mind too.

I thought you all might also enjoy some interesting facts about Jack. He is a happy baby. He is very interested in the world around him. He likes music and dancing and when he is sung to. Jack is also the loudest farter I know!! I often blame his farts on his dad! He poops sooo loud you can hear it while in other rooms...let's hope he grows out of this!

Scott and I are extremely lucky to have such a laid back baby. He is so happy and is a joy to be around! I would take all the sleepless nights and uncontrollable crying in the world if it meant having Jack in my life! The minute you have a child, something in your head changes. You now live and breathe for this baby. I couldn't be happier to have this little man here! My life has been totally changed and I wouldn't give it up in a billion years!!


One month Down...

Posted by Sparty0526 on 10/24/2008 09:56:00 AM in
Well...today Jack just over a month old...and some how The Wife and I have survived fairly well...He is Healthy and his color is looking great. Everything we have for him is still too big, but he is getting there, and he goes through diapers like crazy.

The most exciting news is the fact that he is starting to get some control over his neck...if we hold him on our chest he will sometimes pull his head back and try to look around or up at us.

We have both very much been enjoying parenthood.


Sleep...yeah I could be getting less...

Posted by Sparty0526 on 10/02/2008 10:59:00 AM in
Thats right...Jack lets us sleep alot more then I thought he would...and my wonderful wife lets me sleep more then I thought too(only on work nights, but I will take it.) I am working on setting up a WebCam to be used with my parents so that we can video chat and give them a way to know there grandson...it was my moms idea...and i think its a great one...but I dont know what cam to get...so i am asking you my loyal readers to recommend some...what do you use? do you have one you like? or one a friend really likes?

Also we have been taking crazy amounts of pictures...should see them up here soon...


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